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english around the world教案 -ag真人登录

时间:2023-04-04 02:14:34 作者: 字数:12336字

unit 2   english around the world 
• 重点词汇解析 •
辨析:a/the majority of 与 most
a/the majority of (the) n.
a/the majority of 大多数;大半
a large number of 很多,大量
(2)指两者中的“另一方”,用the other(s)或“the other十名词”表示。  
 (3) some... others 表了“一些……,一些……”(无范围);  some of... the others 表示“有的……,其余的(全都)……”(有范围)。如: 
have difficulty/trouble in doing sth. 的意思是“做某事有困难”,注意其中的 in doing sth不可改用 to do sth。
    turn on开(收音机、煤气、水龙头、灯等的开关)       
turn off关(收音机、煤气、水龙头、灯等的开关)
turn up(把收音机、电视、灯等)开大些;出现;出席       
turn down把收音机、电视、灯等)开小些
turn in交上去        turn to向……寻求帮助;转到       
turn over移交;打翻
    i meant the red one, not the green one.我说的是那个红的,不是那个绿的。   
i mean that he is being unfair.我是说他不公平。
6、compare vt.
1). 和...比较,对照( with/to)
2). 比喻为,把...比作( to)
1)n. 需要;要求( of/for)/ to-v
2)vt. 需要,有...必要
3)v. (多用于疑问句和否定句)需要,必须
1)a.①. 天生的 ② 出生地的,祖国的,家乡的 ③. 本土的,本国的,土生的 ④. (某地)特有的,原产的
2)n.①. 本地人,本国人 ②. (某地)原有的动(植)物
1). 独立的,自治的,自主的( of)
2). 有独立心的;自立的( of)
10、develop vt.1. 使成长;使发展 2. 开发 3. 逐渐产生;逐渐养成; 5.使显影,冲洗(底片)
           vi.1. 生长;成长;形成 2. 进步;进化 3. 发展
1)vt.1. 传达;传递;传播( to)
2)vi.1. 交流思想(或感情,信息等);交际,交往( with) 2. 通讯,通话( with)  
(1)a broad street (river) 宽阔的街道(河流)
wide 着重指从一边到另一边的距离;此外还指口、眼睛的“大”。
13. total  adj. 总的;全部的;整个的
   vt. 总数为;计算……的总数;把……加起来 [ tota(l)led , tota(l)ling]
a total of (总共)修饰可数名词复数时,谓语动词用复数形式。
the total of … 后面的谓语动词用单数形式。
in total, there must have been 20,000 people there.(in total, 总共,合计,共计,相当于 altogether)
拓展:totallyadv. 总共地,完全地
14 equal 用法:
(be equal to sb.in sth.)
(2)作“能胜任的,经得起的”,指某人做某事的权力和能力,不作定语,与介词to 连用,to 是介词,不可以接不定式。例如:
i don’t feel equal to (doing) the job.
我恐怕不能胜任这个工作。(adj. 能胜任的)
five plus five equals ten.
五加五等于十。(vt. 等于,和……相等,相当于 is equal to)
(3)作“比得上,敌得过”(to be as good/clever as),后接in, as。如:
none of us can equal her, either in beauty or as a dancer.
我们谁也没有她漂亮,舞也没有她跳得好。(equal sb. in sth./as 身份)
i’ m not  in beauty. 论美我无法和玛丽比。(n. 相等的人)

15. exchange    v/ n. 交换;更换
exchange a for b 以a换b
exchange sth. with sb. 同某人交换某物
• 重点短语解析 •

1、for the first time与 the first time的区别。
两者均可表示“首次;第一次”,但用法并不相同。 for the first time指平生第一 次做某事或某段时间之内第一次做某事,在句中通常单独作状语; the  first  time指做某事的次数,可引导状语从句和表语从句。
2、at  all
  (1)at  all常用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句中以加强句子的语气,但在不同的句式中表示不同的意思。用于否定句,意思是“丝毫;根本”;用于疑问句,意思是“到底;究竟”;用于if条件句,意思是“既然;即使”。
  (2)at all有时也用于肯定句,但往往含有否定的意味.
3、at home
  (1)at home在此表示“舒适;无拘束”,常与 be,feel或 make等动词连用。如:
   (2)at home还可表示“在家;在国内”,或表示“精通;熟悉”,常与 in,on或 with等介词连用。
3、orget to do sth.或 forget doing sth.的区别
  前者表示“别忘了要做某事”,to do sth 指尚未发生的动作;后者表示“忘记了曾经做过的事情”,doing sth.表示已发生的动作。
4、on one’s wsy
on one’s wsy表示“在……路上”,后面可接表示地点的副词;接名词时,与to连用。如:on his way home/there在他回家/到那里的路上        on my wsy to school/to guilin在我上学/去桂林的路上
5、in total 
in total= in all,均表示“总共”。如:
6、one' s mother tongue
one' s mother tongue = one' s native language意思是“母语;本族语”。
7、the numher of与 a number of   区别
1)the  number of表示“……的数量”,后接复数名词作主语时,谓语用单数;
2)a  number of= numbers of,意思是“很多的;好些”,表了程度,可以在 number之前加 large,great或 small之类的修饰同,该短语修饰主语时,谓语用复数。
8、except与  except for 的区别。
(1)表示从同类别事物的整数中除去苦干,用 except或 except for均可。如:
  except (for) tom, we all went to the park.
(2)先后指的两件事物不同类别,或性质不同,用 except for。如;
the room is empty except for a broken chair .
除了一张坏椅子外,房里是空的。(chair与 the room性质不同)
(3)表示某人或某事物在总体上是好的,只是其中的某个细节或某个环节不尽人 意,一般用except for。如:
 the story is good except for the ending.除结尾外,这个故事很好。
(4)except后面可接介间短语、副词、带to或不带to的动词不定式以及由that,when或 where引导的从句, except for不能这样用
9、there you are 行了.好了.
10、make up 1. 补足 2. 编造 3. 组成
11、stay up  
stay up的意思是“熬夜;通宵不睡”。
(2) stay up后接动词时,若该动词的动作指目的,用不定式结构;指伴随动作,用动词
12、end(up) with     
end(up) with的意思是“以……结束”。
13、act ... out
1). 把...表演出来
2). 把...付诸行动
14、end up with 以...为结局;结果会...
15、more or less 或多或少,有点儿;大约
• 重点句型解析 •

(3)“介词 with十名词或代词十介词短语或形容词”也可起相同的作用。
2. have some difficulty in doing sth. 做某事有困难(接名词时,常用句型:have some difficulty with sth.)
(2)修饰语主要有no, little, some, much, great等。
3. with so many people communicating in english every day, we can see that it will be more and more important to have a good knowledge of english.每天有如此多的人用英语交流,我们知道掌握英语将越来越重要。
(1)with so many people communicating 是“with+宾语+现在分词”结构,相当于because so many people communicate in english…,
a) 1. in the year _____, his father also died of cancer.
    a. followed b. following c. was followed d. that followed
  2. _______ that you found the injured boy? in the wooden house.
    a. where did it b. where it is c. where was it d. where
  3. it’s already 7:20. tom rushed _________ to school.
    a. in the way b. all the way c. by the way d. in a way
  4. you must be very tired after doing the walking, _______?
    a. mustn’t you b. needn’t you
    c. aren’t you d. weren’t you
  5. look, ________!
    a. here mr smith comes b. here is coming mr smith
    c. here comes mr smith d. her mr smith is coming
b)1. it was for the first time _____ he went to america in 1995.
  a. when b. that c. what d. while
2. are you clear ______ the homework?
  a. to b. about c. on d. with
3. –look, the light is still on. --oh, i forgot ____ when i left.
  a. to turn it off b. to turn it on c. turning it off d. to turn off it
4. will you _____ this dictionary to mr smith when you go to visit his tomorrow?
  a. bring b. take c. fetch d. carry
5. the streets here are much wider than _____ in that town.
  a. ones b. them c. those d. they
• 课堂同步练习 •
1. in the year _____, his father also died of cancer.
a. followed b. following c. was followed d. that followed
2. _______ that you found the injured boy? in the wooden house.
a. where did it b. where it is c. where was it d. where
3. it’s already 7:20. tom rushed _________ to school.
a.in the way b. all the way c. by the way d. in a way
4. you must be very tired after doing the walking, _______?
a. mustn’t you b. needn’t youc. aren’t you d. weren’t you
5. look, ________!
a. here mr smith comes b. here is coming mr smith
c. here comes mr smith d. her mr smith is coming
6. it was for the first time _____ he went to america in 1995.
a. when b. that c. what d. while
7. are you clear ______ the homework?
a. to b. about c. on d. with
8. –look, the light is still on. --oh, i forgot ____ when i left.
a. to turn it off b. to turn it on c. turning it off d. to turn off it
9. will you _____ this dictionary to mr smith when you go to visit his tomorrow?
a. bring b. take c. fetch d. carry
10. the streets here are much wider than _____ in that town.
a. ones b. them c. those d. they
