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如何营造宿舍氛围? 描写宿舍生活的英语作文 -ag真人登录

时间:2023-01-25 04:14:52 作者: 字数:28122字


学生宿舍是学生学习、生活、休息来自、交往的重要场所,是大学生思想政治教育和日常管理的重要阵地,同时也是学生精神文明建设的重要基地。良好的宿舍文化建设不仅能让学生们拥有舒适的休息环境,还能够培养学生良好的生活习惯和道德品质,树立正确的生活态度和价值观,帮助学生形成健康的人格和良好的精神风貌,陶冶学生的情操。因此外语系尤其注重学生的宿舍文化建设,经过不断的努力,如今,外语系已经营造了良好的宿舍文化建设氛围,帮助同学们更好地学知识、学做人。 为提高同学的思想觉悟,创造一个学习理论知识的平台,帮助同学们树立正确的首频船作却印思想意识,外语系在各个方面不失密动底刻宗给齐划另时机地对学生开展思想政治教育。学生宿舍毋庸置疑儿端论话针杨春地成为对学生开展思便明调段场配菜量草径想政治教育的重要阵地。外语系在学生宿舍建立了“学生干部、入党积极分子、学生党员约挥志宪那雷的责任岗”。责任岗责任人负责推动宿舍文化、楼层文化和学生宿舍社区文化建设,丰富同学们的校园文化生活。我系莘莘学子组成多个党小组讨论,他们针呀对社会上的热点问题、生活上的一些经历、学习上所遇到的问题展开热烈临往接见剂服及造燃无露讨论,同学们纷纷畅所欲言,各抒己见,努力把学生宿舍建设成为育人阵地。在信息传达方面,负责人将院系下达的各项信息及时准确地传达给所属责任岗,让每一位同学都能翻少金沿钟而此布矛世够认真履行自己的职责内护笑除什王自鸡营着,做好各项事情。 为了促进优良学风与和谐宿舍文化的建设,析蒸望丝在我系宿舍生活的小圈中,随处可以见到以文明和谐为为主倒层井英无题的宿舍文明标语,如“文明举止、勤俭节约、讲究卫生、爱护公物、健康向端国谓上”、 “宿舍风景线,大家来共建”、“请勿喧哗”、“营造温馨家园,建设文明宿舍”……。同孔学们以文明标语征集活动为契机,努力加强学生宿舍文省想化建设,积极营造安全、文明、和么天矛孔简孔行晶沙块谐的宿舍氛围。这一块块标语牌虽然个头不大,但是却能够在无形中引导学生积极创造和享受健康文明的生活方式,帮助学生形成团结友爱、积极向上和拼搏进取的精神风貌,进一步在学生中营造良好的自律、自省、自理、自立与自我教育的整体氛围与风气。“宿舍英语”是我系宿舍文化建设的一大亮点。“宿舍英语”活动潜移默化地影响着同学们的生活,使同学们融入英语口语的学习环境中。同学们在宿舍里,开展各色各样训温局识屋创稳村的活动来提高自己的英语水平,如今,无论在宿舍区的哪个角影核微门落都可以听到外语系学子滔滔不绝的英语会话声,从宿舍中不时传来动听的英文歌曲声。各宿舍舍友之间,互合识延稳感准罗官维模队相阅读一些优秀的英语美文,然后让对方来提出问题或是发表自己的感想。为了让自己的嘴上功夫更厉害,同学们自发地在宿舍这个小小的生活圈中,开展振奋人心的绕口令大赛,绕口令大王赢得了同学们的阵阵掌声。因为绕口令属于我国民间文学中比较独特的口头语言艺术形式,它在锻炼人们的语言基本功方面起着重要的作用,如矫正发音部位、促使反应敏捷、用气自如、吐字清晰自如等。此外,同学们还阅读大量的英语读物以及学习名言警句来扩大了自己的学习阅历。“宿舍英语”的开展为同学们学习英语提供了一个优越的环境,既加强了同学们英语口语的交流,也提高了同学们的听说读写能力。促使学生们勤奋学习,比学赶帮,形成浓厚的英语学习氛围。体现了当代大学生积极向上、敢于拼搏的精神风貌。 为营造我系学生宿舍区域浓郁的英语学习文化氛围,深入开展学生宿舍文明创建活动,宿舍的学习标语成了外语系宿舍区一道美丽的风景线。它时刻激发同学们学习英语的动力,展示了宿舍文化的魅力。 “宿舍是我家,文明靠大家”。在宿舍生活中,大家就如同一家人、团结互助。在外语系领导老师的不断教育下,同学们基本都能够做到情操高尚、行为规范、礼貌待人、互帮互助、团结友爱、维护集体荣誉。因此,我系学生见义勇为、拾金不昧的事情屡见不鲜。 宿舍文化建设是校园文化的重要组成部分,外语系的同学们在老师和学生干部的组织和带领下,积极踊跃地参加到宿舍文化建设的系列活动中,用实际行动,从小事做起,营造出了良好的宿舍文化氛围,形成了良好的人际关系。今后,我们外语系仍将再接再厉,大力推动学生宿舍的文化建设,继续向和谐而发展的宿舍文化建设目标大踏步地迈进。


你的宿舍生活是不是很多乐趣呢?不妨写一篇 英语 作文 和大家分享一下快乐吧。下面是我精心挑选的描写宿舍生活的英语作文,供大家阅读。


how to live in harmony with your roommates?everyone has his answer.in my opinion,to live in harmony with your roommates,one should:

firstly, keep the same pace with roommates. there are usually four people or more in a room. it’s better to have a unified schedule.

to maintain the order of the life, everyone should coordinate and abide by the schedule to reduce the disputes.

secondly, don’t make little “squads” in the dormitory. you should treat every person equally rather than discriminating or isolating someone.

we object to establish deep friendship under the cost of sacrificing the friendship’s width and breadth. it’s important to keep balance in the dormitory.

thirdly, don't invade your roommates' privacy. everyone has their own secrets and eccentricities. we should not search roommates' privacy.

if someone has clearly made a field private, they must have special sensitive to this field and any subject attempting to break into this field will not be appreciated by them.

fourthly, participate in dormitory’s collective activities actively. the activities of the dormitory is not only a simple activity, but also a way to contact with each other to share feelings.

don't be naive to think collective activity as boring and useless action which wastes time and money, and showing a pair of disparaging appearance for company. in fact, it's all emotional investment, and indispensable.

fifth, provide help and ask for help. good roommate relationships is based on mutual help. when roommates meet with difficulties, we should voluntarily help. that’s obvious.

so, when we have some trouble, is it appropriate to ask help from roommates? the answer is yes. because sometimes asking for help show that you trust your roommates, which can deepen your relationship.


nowdays, more and more person was one child in their family. when they growing up ,they were alone with themselves .

when they become a student of university they must live with another classmates. at that times, they may e have some unharmonious things.

in dormitory, i think it is more necessary for us to protect the tune of dormitory.for example if your dormitory unharmonious.

it could effect your study, feeling, mood and so on. but the question is how to establish the live of harmonious dormitory.

in my opinion, those ways may be usefully.

first of all, more intercourse, please talk with your dormitorymates,when you have more conversation, youcan know more and more things about your dormitorymates, and also you attention something about their habits,and avoid something in emarrass.

besides,have a big heart. if you had some troule with you dormitorymates, please don't break a butterfly on the wheel. give a smile, and discuss the solution about those things.

it should be noted that open your heart, more conversation with your dormitorymates. more understand each other. do anything about establish the live of harmonious dormitory. i think it is easy for you to do!


dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life. but sometimes the harmony in the dormitory can be disturbed in one way or another.

as is known to all,a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members. on one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. on the other hand,we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.

there are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. firstly,you have to evaluate your life-style and try to get rid of your dirty habits,if there are any. secondly,when an annoying situation arises,you’ll just have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist.

thirdly,you’ll have to share with each other and make good friends.

in conclusion,we should try our best to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.


1. 关于丰富精彩的大学生活的英语作文

2. 关于高中丰富多彩的生活英语作文4篇

3. 描写房间的英语作文

4. 描写我的教室英语作文3篇

5. 我的大学寝室生活文章


my dormitory room is a warm litter hut. there are four members in this hut. we are highly harmonious. certaintly, we get along with each other very well. you will be surrounded by cheer and happiness as soon as you step into our dormitory. our dormitory is always full of laughter. we joy and chat together. our dormitory is the one which riches in nothing but happiness. there are o bunkbeds in our dormitory. all the beddings are light blue, one of my favorite colors, which makes our dormitory looks fortable and tidy. we all have our own desks with a wardrobe. lots of books, most of which are english books, are put on our desks. through our dormitory’s back door, you will be in our balcony. to your surprise, you will find there are so many shoes on the balcony that it seems as if it is a shoes store. to be honest, we have about 34 shoes. all of them are putting neatly into o ranks on our balcony. our balcony is larger than another three dormitories’. they have to share only one balcony which is as large as our’s. i think they may be jealous of our large balcony.


my college life as a sophomore, i am feeling the time flies. recalling about the past one year, so many thoughts are flooding in my mind. at this time, i just can't tell my real idea. the memory is just like so fresh, and all the things happened yesterday! when first day i came to university, i really feel that the school is very good, but at the first sight of the dormitory, something disappointing e up to me! the condition of the dormitory is really very poor with only one room, no lavatory! i saw something sad in my father's eyes, maybe that time he thought of the poor condition! so with a big *** ile on my face, i told my father” it doesn't matter, dad. in this kind of condition, i will get myself better!” my father felt better. but when he was ing back, seeing his back, i just wanted to cry! i felt in this city i was just isolated, from that time, i said to myself, “ you have no others who can help you here, just depend on yourself” and then i came to my dormitory 303. i considered that i would spend four years here (in fact i moved to another one year later) and my dorm mates are all there. most of them came from sichuan and they were chatting with a happy voice, but i can't understand them! again, i felt myself isolated! i hated that kind of feeling, and then i said to hello to them! to my surprise they are very friendly to me and warm-hearted! i no longer felt afraid. and i got along well with them. but at the first night here, i burst out to tears for that i was missing my family. i don't know why. everyday when i was at home, i was just eager to go to school, to experience the wonderful college life but when ing here, i am just eager to go back! it's quite strange though, you must know this kind of feeling! just spending about 2 days here, we were on our way to military train. to us, it's a fresh train and a kind of experience to know the life beeen the clas *** ates. but to me, i was nervous but excited. this was my first and precious train life because before going to school i have been staying with my family. so, you know, it's just this kind of feeling i can't convey it clearly! the train life is impressive on everybody; we had a lot of activities, for example giving a speech on a stage or singing together or playing basketball. at that time, i felt myself so little among them. all of them have a special talent but not me. i admired them but meanwhile jealousy. why don't i have this kind of talent? am i stupid? i always said to myself. so that time i was also very ambitious, just eager to catch up with them. except the clas *** ates, the trainer in our team also left a deep impression on me! he was not very handsome and very kind. just because of his kindness results in my laughter when training. he always said to me that i should be serious in the team but i didn't listen to him. so after a long time, when investigating the training result, i gave them a disappointing answer. the highest trainer sent me to clean the toilet, although, it didn't means insulting to my dignity, but i was really sad about myself and my heart was hurt. that was a *** all thing but told me that i need to be serious to one thing. and unhappiness passed, the happy and funny time recalled me that folding the blanket. yeah, it's really very funny. most of us had never folded the blanket and naturally we can't acplish the task well. when the monitor came, we pleased him to help us to fold the blanket. to our expect, we managed to persuade the monitor. after the monitor finished the task for me. i dared not to touch the blanket again and just used the clothes instead of the blanket. of course, i felt very cold in deep night, so to my instinct, i crashed into my clas *** ate's blanket. and we were scratching the single blanket fiercely, just like a war. (writing here i can't help laughing out loudly).


one is a dormitory room on the campus and i think this is typical of the traditional students lodgings,being shared by eight students,the room is crowded.all there is to see are beds,double-deck beds.one table stands in the middle with five students sitting around it.there being no space for chairs or benches,they sit on the beds.thereat of them have to stay in their nests doing their lessons.luggage and suitcascs find their place either under orabove the beds.the room is *** all and crowded,yet the rent is low,just 20 yuana month. compared with picture one,the dormitory room in picture four is much better.since it is shared byfour,it looks larger.the space originally for beds is filled with o wardrobes which include all the luggage,books and knick knacks.anyway,it is cleaner and better furnished.although the rent is ice as much as that of picture one,i think i get my money's worth and it is within my financial capacity. as to picture two,i like the apartment room very much because it is also on the campus and is beautifully furnished with all the necessary facilities.of course,i wiii make a good friend of my room-mate.however,it's unrealistic for me to rent it,because i have to live on my parents and my father is a wage-earner and my mother a laid-off worker. it is unimaginable for me to choose picture three.i think it's for sons and daughters of overnight millionaires.it's like living on a luxurious isolated island.i can neither stand the cost nor conquer the loneliness.






























当然,和谐宿舍的建设离不开各学校的督促与指导,只有得到各学校的认可和引起高度的重视,才能有效的开展“和谐宿舍”的建设. 作为学生,由于知识水平,因而不能从一个较高的层次来探讨学风建设,但我以为,和谐的宿舍环境,必能有效的促进“德业双修、学而不厌”学风的形成


when students move into the acmodations offered by college, they are taught to live in harmony. harmony in their rooms is crucial to their lives in college days. it can further affect their emotions and even studies.despite that, many acts conducted by students reflect the disharmony in university residences. for example, most of the boys' rooms are in a mess. the importance of good cleaning habits should be stressed. and sour relations beeen students living together fundamentally endanger the harmony in college dormitories. some trivial matters can trigger conflicts. we should view everyone as our friend and respect each other.from my perspec...hen students move into the acmodations offered by college. and sour relations beeen students living together fundamentally endanger the harmony in college dormitories. the importance of good cleaning habits should be stressed. it can further affect their emotions and even studies; rooms are in a mess, many acts conducted by students reflect the disharmony in university residences, we should drive our efforts to boost the harmony in college residences. a harmonious dormitory environment can play a positive role in college students' studies and lives.despite that. boarders should take a package of measures to fulfill it, they are taught to live in harmony. this goal is far-reaching.from my perspective, most of the boys'. for example. we should view everyone as our friend and respect each other. some trivial matters can trigger conflicts. harmony in their rooms is crucial to their lives in college days


there are striking difference beeen home life and dormitory life. student must begin to be responsible for their own action. they must depend on themselves to get up in the morning on, time for class, to eat properly, to keep their clothes and themselves clean ,and to set aside an appropriate amount of time for study and relaxation. they must also learn to take care of their money, making sure to preserve enough for both necessities and for fun.in general, there are both good and bad points about life in student dormitory. often, dormitoryrooms are *** all and crowded. this lack of space can limit one's privacy and make itdifficult for students to concentrate on their studies.


i您好: like my dorm in my dorm, i have 7 sisters. they are very super. we help each other in the daily life. when i was ill, they took care of me. i thank them very much. we do sports together. for example, we run 800 meters together every morning...希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】o(∩_∩)o谢谢欢迎追问o(∩_∩)o~祝学习进步~...


recently, i was troubled,and unhappy. my roommate has been playing late at night to play puter, affecting my rest. he played a game all day in the dormitory, and even chated ( the kind of voice), which has lasted for a long time. but i want to prepare for the graduate examination and i'm very tired every day, expecting to take a break only until night , but who knows him to play it more vigorously ! he is estimated to play all night tonight, and even with voice! to make something worse, he and i are on the opposite side, just the light of the puter shines my side. however, with shining,i can't go to sleep. i ever seriously told him to remind him to open a *** all table lamp, wearing earplugs, not to make voice munications with others. but he still fot from time to time, deliberately ignoring my response, even though my attitude is more tough. it is not a solution,but i apply for exchange quarter.ask the teacher for approval.(请根据自己实际情况删改,o(∩_∩)o~)最近,我很烦恼,很不开心。










dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life.but sometimes the harmony in the dormitory can be disturbed in one way or another.宿舍生活是高校生活的不可或缺的一部分。


as is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members.on one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study.on the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.众所周知,对于高校学生来说,和谐的宿舍生活很重要并对每一个宿舍成员都是有益处的。


另一方面,我们能拥有一个好的心 情并且很好的相处。

there are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life.firstly, you have to evaluate your life-style and try to get rid of your dirty habits, if there are any.secondly, when an annoying situation arises, you'll just have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist.有很多方法可以创造和维持一个和谐的宿舍生活。



in conclusion,we should try our best to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.总而言之,为了有一个好的学习和生活环境,我们应该尽最大的努力维持和谐的宿舍生活。


on a harmonious dormitory life dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life. but sometimes the harmony in the dormitory be disturbed in one way or another. as is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members. on one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. on the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together. there are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. firstly, you have to evaluate your life-style and try to get rid of your dirty habits, if there are any. secondly, when an annoying situation arises, you'll just have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist. thirdly, you'll have to share with each other and make good friends. in conclusion, we should try our best to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.

dear housparent:it has been half a year since i began to live in this domitory and it was amazing that i live with luis,who lead a really passionate life that however was intoleratable for me,who likes to study quietly and for whom such passions are just noise.it is annoying,no?it occurs frequently that each time i was ready for a sleep but he brought in many of his friends to make a party,what happens next:singing,dancing,drinking and so on.i can hardly endure all these behaviors and reluctantly,i have spoken to him about this problem.whereas the case proved that i was finally ignored.i need a space to study and maybe no longer could i stand such a noisy life.therefore,i require you,our administrator to permit me another domitory.i do hope you could understand me and help me to solve this problem.thanks.yours sincerelylihua

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