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我的网友英语作文 英语作文:假设你刚刚认识一位网友,请给他(她)发封电子邮件,谈谈自己和自己的暑假生活。60词 初一水平 -ag真人登录

时间:2023-03-27 11:51:58 作者: 字数:5525字




i am tony. i a have a computer. i have a net friend. his name is jack. he is 12 years old. he is a student. he likes surfing the net. we often talk with each other in the chat room. we talk in english. my english is good now. he is a good boy. i like him very much. do you want to have a net friend?




my net friend

i was only nine years old when i learnt how to use a computer. my mother is my first teacher. i know how to type, how to copy a file, and how to visit a web site on the internet. one day, mom was not at home. i turned on the computer and began to learn how to chat on net. the first one i met there was a boy called tom. he greeted me politely. when he knew that i was only a 9-year-old girl, and almost knew nothing about chatting on net,he started showing me how to use the chatting tools, how to download, and how to send e-mails. i learnt a lot from him.




i was only nine years old when i learnt how to use a computer. my mother is  my first teacher. i know how to type, how to copy a file, and how to visit a web  site on the internet. one day, mom was not at home.

i turned on the computer and began to learn how to chat on net. the first  one i met there was a boy called tom. he greeted me politely. when he knew that  i was only a 9-year-old girl, and almost knew nothing about chatting on net, he  started showing me how to use the chatting tools, how to download, and how to  send e-mails. i learnt a lot from him.


i was only nine years old when i learnt how to use a computer. my mother is my first teacher. i know how to type, how to copy a file, and how to visit a web site on the internet. one day, mom was not at home.

i turned on the computer and began to learn how to chat on net. the first one i met there was a boy called tom. he greeted me politely. when he knew that i was only a 9-year-old girl, and almost knew nothing about chatting on net, he started showing me how to use the chatting tools, how to download, and how to send e-mails. i learnt a lot from him.




英语作文:假设你刚刚认识一位网友,请给他(她)发封电子邮件,谈谈自己和自己的暑假生活。60词 初一水平

dear lucy

i am very glad to receive your letter. now let me tell you something about myself and my summer vacation. i am twelve years old and i am in class2, grade7. i am tall and thin with long black hair. i like doing sports and my favorite is playing table tennis. i am good at english and maths. this summer vacation i am very busy every day. i do my homework every day so that i can finish doing it on time. i often play table tennis with my friends in the afternoon. last week my parents and i went to shanghai to see the expo. we spent four days there and we really had a good time .i often help my parents with the housework because they are busy working every day. i also take tennis course to learn how to play tennis. now i can play it well.

that's all. i am looking forward to hearing from you.



英语作文关于向同学介绍自己的网友 带翻译

hi,mary,i want to introduce one of my friend to you .his name is tony,and the way we are know each other is very special.i know him online.he is a student of the school which behind our school,and he is very tall and thin.he like playing basketball,and like swimming.last weekend i went to the city library with him,and i found that he is quite knowledge than i could think.and he also like play piano.so i think you will very interesting to know him ,so i write this for you ,and wish we could be closed friend.

